Happy Noveling!

Long time no see! I didn’t have a chance to blog last weekend, since my parents were in town, but things are back in full swing. My weekend just wrapped up with the closing of my play, which is pretty bittersweet. My life and free time is back, but it’s also a strange feeling knowing that the 20 hours a week of hard work is all over. It seems like just yesterday that I was in callbacks, nervous and wondering why the heck there was a monologue dedicated to a dead fish.

But now, to round out the excitement, a new chapter is beginning. Yep, it’s that time of year: National Novel Writing Month is upon us, and that means a lot of sitting in coffee shops and typing half-coherent sentences. For more info on Nanowrimo, check out the website here.

This is my seventh year doing Nanowrimo, and the first year doing it while running a blog. To celebrate, this blog is going to become a writing blog for the month of November. I’ll update twice weekly with running Nanowrimo progress, and each blog entry will be about my writing process or writing in general. Sound good?

One interesting tidbit about this year’s Nano: I’m rewriting the novel that I wrote for my very first Nano, back in 2008. It’s kind of funny, looking back to that time. It was so long ago, but it feels like I just wrote it yesterday. I love these characters; they have been with me for a long time, and it’s an absolute joy being able to tell their stories again.

Since this is going up late and I don’t have much to say today, here’s a video from when John Green attempted Nanowrimo.

Happy November, and best of luck to you fellow Wrimos!

Current wordcount: 2,230 / 50,000

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